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New representative for Portuguese speaking patients

Published by at 2 September, 2016


After attending dozens of Brazilian, Portuguese and Polish patients during over two and a half years, the Polish anthropologist Kasia Gorka ends her professional career in Barcelona to face another exciting challenge by going across the Atlantic to Brazil. From the Institut Chiari de Barcelona we thank her for her cooperation and wish her the best of luck in this new stage of her life.

To keep up the good care of Portuguese speaking patients, the Institut Chiari de Barcelona now, since July 2016, counts with the services of Marta Orsini. Marta is Brazilian and has a degree in Communication Sciences and PhD from the Department of Media, Communication and Culture of Autonomous University of Barcelona. Besides being a journalist she is also a researcher and translator.

Her education makes her job multifaceted in ICSEB. For example she acts as a link between the medical team and patients, in form of direct translations as well as the treatment and careful and close monitoring of patients before, during and after the surgery; and after their return to their country. She also provides patient care at distance to the people interested in the treatment with the Filum System® method, among other tasks.

Marta combines her work at the ICSEB with motherhood (she has a 3 year old son) and different academic activities. Her hobbies are writing, books, movies, hiking in the woods and vegetarian cuisine. Talking about her topics of interest we can highlight subjects regarding Communication Sciences, Gender Studies, Innovative Pedagogies and Meditation.

We are pleased to have her in our team and hope her work with us can help our Portuguese-speaking patients to get to know our treatment and benefit from it.

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